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Plastic saves lives

Sorted recycled plastic that turned into an intensive care unit for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Collection of type 2 plastic (HDPE) bottle covers to buy an intensive care unit for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The journey of plastic

City cafes and spaces in the hometowns of Ukraine were involved in the gathering. People could bring plastic bottle covers of the HDPE 02 type to the locations. Then all the plastic is delivered to our office, where the covers are sorted by colour. After that, we hand over the collected recyclables to a Ukrainian recycling company. We used the proceeds to buy an intensive care unit and send it to the east to help with the military campaign.

Collecting result

This plastic gathering has gone down in history. The project's numbers are impressive: about 5,500,000 bottle covers, about 50 settlements in Ukraine, 3 countries, 13,000 kg of plastic, and tens of thousands of eco-conscious participants.

We are extremely grateful to each participant of the campaign, thanks to you we have contributed to the victory!

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